Right to Manage

If you live in a block of flats and do not have a say as to who or how the property is run then you can benefit from the Right to Manage Process. The right is available to all flat-owners, in all blocks, where they fulfil the following criteria:
  1. At least 50% of the flat-owners within the physical block of flats must want to go through the process.
  2. At least 2/3rds of the flat-owners within the physical block must have long leases (>21 years at the time of issue or more).
  3. No more than 25% of the block may be used for non-residential use (excludes car parks and common areas connected with the flats).
If your block fulfils these criteria then it is likely you will be able to go through the Right to Manage process with 100% guarantee of success. There are a small number of technical legalities which can sometimes prevent some blocks going through the process and to establish if any apply to you why not contact us for a no obligation discussion. Even if you do not fulfil the criteria take advantage of the Right to Manage legislation and are having problems with your managing agents, then we would still be interested in hearing from you. Instead you may prefer to contact the Lease Advisory Service who can provide valuable help and guidance on all matters relating to leasehold property.